Matter and Spirit of Life
decoloured flowers, distilled flower pigments, alum crystals, glass, metal, cement
2013, series of three works, á 100×45×62 cm
The artist extracted colours from three different flower species: safflowers, gerberas, and hibiscuses. Alum crystals were grown in these colours, preserving the colours of the flowers inside the crystallising alums. One decoloured flower from each species is displayed alongside the corresponding colourful crystals.
The work is inspired by a notion that most of the organisms, both in the plant and in the animal world, seem to lose their colours in death, as if life itself is hidden in the colours.
Project location / artist-in-residence: Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Germany
Exhibition views: Salon Dahlmann, Berlin, 2014 / Photographer: Jere Salonen
Solvite corpora et coagulate spiritum - Dissolve the body and coagulate the spirit.
Nicolas Valois, Les cinq livres, 1449